Do you want to make your ordinary home look part of the elite? If so, here are a few excellent suggestions for you…

Try to always have your home well maintained

A well maintained home naturally looks part of the elite; and if this is what you are aiming for, then you need to focus not only on how organized your home is, but also how clean and how well maintained it is. Busy lives generally means you will over look small cracks and almost soundless drips and leaks. However, this minute thing can actually turn into something bigger before you can noticemaking your home look run down, and quite naturally, the opposite of what you strive to achieve in terms of your home. Likewise, it also pays to have a daily cleaning routine designed exclusively for your home; even if it is as short as 15 minutes per day.

Pay attention to the colors on your walls

When it comes to the indoor wall colors, try to find the colors that will emphasize your home’s natural beauty. Play around with the lighting, and consider the natural lighting before settling for a color. Try not to opt for the harsh and loud colors; as they tend to look cheap and the opposite of the look you are aiming for. As for the outdoor wall colors; it depends entirely on the color of your roof, the color of your window frames, your garden and if you have a porch or a pergola Gosford.

Opt for the wood colors

Do you want to make your furniture look more expensive than it is? In that case, opt for furniture that is in its natural wood color. While other colors might serve to make your home look better lit and more lively, if your aim is for your home to look part of the elite, then stick to the rich wood colors and dyes. The same can be said for your reliable timber decking, stair case and banisters, as well as your window frames and garden benches. If you really want to bring a splash of color, make use of other materials like throw pillows or curtains to help you out.

Keep things simple and fuss free

Have you notice that when it comes to expensive homes, things are much simpler and more fuss free than the less expensive homes. The designs of furniture are more straight cut and fuss free. When it comes to materials and prints (like for sofas, curtains, bed spreads or dining table chairs), try to opt for the less kitschy; the less there is going on in the print, the cleaner and more clutter free your home will appear. This will inevitably translate to being more expensive to look at…